Pranab Kr Nath - The story behind standing by the helpless and miserable people of the society even after becoming an actor.

Image | Picture | Photo Of Pranab Kr Nath

An interactive session on the Actor scene with - Pranab Kr Nath said some stories of him life. 

Pranab Kr Nath said many people have come to this world, many people have left, remembers the people of this world who have been able to go through the personality of this world, they are the only personalities that the people of the world have remembered. only to fulfill their devotional action. I never thought people would accept me like this. People will love me so much. Their inspiration is that I stand in this place today. Man can never move forward unless the real difficult situation of life is in front of him, 

Pranab Kr Nath said that An incident like this happened in my life and my whole life changed, In that sense, I became an artist in Tripura, there was a time in my life when my whole world revolved around one man, and now my world with many people, just waiting for the time. And whatever it is I am in this place today following the ideal of a girl to move my life in the right direction.

Today I want to talk about that girl with an open mind, that girl is none other than a very close person to me, Mis. Suchismita PaulWhen my life was going through difficult situations, only that girl, day after day, fulfilled all the expectations of my life. Then I thought if a girl could do so much for a boy, then why can't I stand next to people as a boy. Since then, the inspiration to stand by people has awakened in me. From then on, the main purpose of my life changed. Ever since I started earning money from being around as an artist, I have stood by people, I mean I have extended a helping hand to people. i have taken initiative to make the society aware. Many social organizations have already paid cash. I feel very proud to be able to stand by the side of some helpless people. Pranab Kr Nath said I hope to stand by the side of many more helpless people in the coming days.